Saturday, December 31, 2011

Push forward!

Spotted this scrawled on an old sign next to the Hollywood Reservoir.  The colors are all natural; I just bumped up the contrast a little bit.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sphinx sky replacement

Here's a picture of the Sphinx I found online:

For fun, I took out the sky and put in a starry night sky:

It's a shame that it's so hard to get actual night shots of the Sphinx since, being a feline, that's when it's most active.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Final project for Photoshop

Alrighty, here it is.  My final project for my Photoshop 101 class.  The assignment was to find a movie poster and recreate it from scratch.  We had to change all of the words and use original pictures, but still make it look as much as possible like the original.

I chose this awesome poster for the movie Futureworld (1976). 

Here's the orginal:
And here's my version:

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Thomas in Texas 2006

I found some old Hi8 tapes when I was home for Thanksgiving last weekend, dug out my old camcorder, and popped one in.  Here's a still I extracted by taking a macro photo of the camcorder's LCD screen that shows me in Kilgore, Texas on July 3rd, 2006.  Look at that dapper fellow!  

The picture kind of looks more like it was taken 50 years ago.