Monday, November 28, 2011

Composite shot of Ryan Mountain Area at Joshua Tree

Stitched this together from two photos  of the "Ryan Mountain Area" at Joshua Tree National Monument.  It's a climbing area on the backside of Ryan Mountain.  My brother Patrick and I climbed a long route on the left side of the formation last Friday.  You can see two tiny little climbers on the main formation there to get a sense of scale.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Roses outside my apartment this morning

Lovely droplets on the roses outside my gate this morning.  Calls to mind the William Carlos Williams phrase "glazed with rainwater".

Burner series

My stove.

Sky replacement.  I guess I was going for a look as if someone had found a stove in the middle of a field and taken a picture of it.

Flame on.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Hey! Rainy Day in L.A. :(

Shot these leaves outside my window in the rain.  13 frames total.


Andre bought us all lollipops the other night.  Took a few snaps of mine with my new lens (the Kiron 80-200mm f4.5) before finishing it.

Picture of light reflected in pool

Shot this looking down into my pool.  The light is on the ceiling over in front of a different apartment. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Some photo restoration

Found this picture on the internet and did a little restoration on it for my Photoshop class.  Wish I knew who these folks were and what their story was.

The Chesire Patrick

Created this image of my brother Patrick from a behind-the-scenes photo snapped of him at our Doritos shoot last weekend.  I was just sort of messing around and then I decided I actually really liked it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

With Ayla and Yanika at Mel's

3AM at Mel's on Hollywood.  Rocking some animated GIF's like it's 1999.

Ayla and Andre:

Yanika and Thomas:

McDonald's Ad

Took this ad:
And turned it into this:


This is just up the street from my apartment; great neon sign that I'd never noticed before.  Love the green light against the fence on the left and the yellow porch light, and I also liked how those glossy magnolia leaves in the top right of the frame are reflecting the colored light.  (I guess Pax Am is a record company run by Ryan Adams.)

Picture of Andre at Mel's Diner

Andre and I wound up at Mel's Diner after having a few beers.  Shot this picture of him looking all movie-star-like across the table. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Painting of street scene

This is the first thing I painted in Photoshop that wasn't an imitation of something else.  I created the brush myself out of a picture of the grain the sidewalk that I took.

Carried away with healing tool

This is me getting carried away with the healing tool in Photoshop.  Heavens; what have I done? 

Granville Redmond painting

This is a painting I made for my color theory class in Photoshop.  We had to paint something in imitation of a painting by a California Impressionist of our choice.  I choose this painting by Granville Redmond:

And mine looks like this.  It's not perfect, but I'd never really painted anything before, so I was pretty pleased with it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Retouching project for school

This is a retouching exercise I did for my Photoshop class.  Removed blemishes, smoothed wrinkles, erased stray hairs, fixed an aberration in the background, got rid of rainbow-y aliasing on leather jacket, put necklace under jacket, and got rid of that gold thing at the bottom of the frame.  

It's interesting to note that eliminating the woman's wrinkles certainly makes her look a little younger, but she's lost a certain amount of warmth and friendliness.  The smile is still there, but it seems little more formal.  Interesting.

The Great Space Face Race

A short video I made out of some stills of my face.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Control Freak

I'd been working in Photoshop, and then switched to Pro Tools, and all of a sudden realized I had five different controller attached to the computer: a Wacom tablet, a keyboard, a MIDI controller, and two mice.  Ha!  Now I need some sort of foot pedals...

Thursday, November 3, 2011


A picture of one of our cats in San Diego, taken a few months ago.  Applied some simple color correction.  Good old-fashioned 4:3 aspect ratio.  I like all the yellows and greens.

He's so content it makes me happy.  :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

New lens

Just got my awesome new lens in the mail.  It's Kiron 80mm-200mm f/4.5 macro 1:4 with an FD mount.  It's probably a good 20 - 25 years old, but it's in great shape.  Fantastic weight, clean glass, everything slides smoothly.

Here's a picture of my rock climbing shoe zoomed all the way to 200mm and at the minimum focal distance.  Ooohhh: